The table above gives the regular services that happen week by week. Whether or not you are confirmed in the Church of England, you are warmly invited to join us for this, or for any of the services above, or for any other events. If you're visiting, we look forward to meeting you.

There are often special services depending on the season and these are listed on the Special Services page of this website.
Many of our services are streamed live on our Facebook page. Click on the link to view current or past services.
On the first Sunday in each month, unless there is another seasonal service such as Advent or Easter taking place, we hold a service with simple liturgy and without Communion, and we know that this will suit some people who are not comfortable in a Communion service. Whilst all our services could be deemed as 'all-age', this one is especially suited to children, and there are usually child-friendly craft activities to do.

As we move into a period without a vicar following after Jan's retirement, the service pattern will remain the same as far as we are able, though some services advertised as 'Holy Communion' might not be so, dependent on what clergy cover can be obtained. The monthly 8.00am service is temporarily suspended owing to the difficulty of getting clergy cover.
There is a prayer board in church along with some small cards. If you would like special prayers to be said in church for someone who you know to be ill or suffering in any way, you are invited to post on this board the person's name and any other information you wish. There is also a votive candle stand where a candle may be lit to support your prayer for a loved one who is ill or who has died.
Special Services
Streamed Services

 First Sunday in the month

 11.00am - A lay-lead service with a simpler liturgy and no Communion

 All Sundays except first

11.00am - Holy Communion

Every Wednesday

10.00am - Holy Communion - half-an-hour of peace and quiet with God

While we are without a vicar, following Janet's retirement, some services might be different to the usual pattern, though we are trying not to change anything. Please check the 'Home' page for any notices.